I needed to get some toothpaste so I left the hotel and the nearest thing was a Wal-Mart. I'm not on an exotic vacation near the equator, I'm venturing into the Midwest. So I don't know why I was surprised. Wal-Mart reminds me of Binghamton, NY. Everyone in the Wal-Mart was either dangerously obese, bound to a motorized scooter chair, had some bad limp, or was missing teeth. I really did a 360 degree turn while I waited at the register and glanced at every visible person. They each had one of these characteristics. It was funny for a moment, but then seemed rather sad.
Tomorrow I'm gonna check out the Bruce Lee Martial Arts Museum and the Motorcycle Museum, then I'll take a quick stroll around the central Columbus area before I head off to Indiana.
Did you ever have the feeling that you might see someone from Bing there? Every time I venture into a Wal-mart I just naturally look around wondering if I am going to catch a glimpse of an old roommate or that weird kid from English Class.